We want you to feel connected at Callaway Church of God! That connection happens as you get to know the people, but beyond that, it happens as you find your own special place to serve the Lord and make a difference in the lives of others. We have many ministries in the church to serve those who attend our church services, but many also provide ways in which you can play a part in serving others. Please contact the church or email the ministry leader at the email listed if you would like additional information about any of these ministries.
“O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together” (Psalm 34:3). Our Worship Team is made up of talented musicians and singers who have a passion for leading us in worship during our services. As we minister to the Lord in worship we are creating an atmosphere where his presence can dwell. If you are a gifted singer or musician and would like to become a part of the worship ministry. please contact us at
Evangelism is the only part of our church life that we won't continue to do in heaven, so we want to faithfully obey our Lord's command to make disciples while here on earth. We do this by offering multiple local outreach opportunities and by supporting two missionary families on a regular basis and giving to help support other missionaries as the Lord enables us. For more information on this ministry contact us at
Missions is not just about making long trips. It is about feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, housing the homeless and visiting the lonely. It is about conveying to the world that the ultimate expression of love is found not in what we give them, but what God has given to all of us in His son. We offer a variety of opportunities to engage in missions whether it be in a Local, National or Global context. To get involved in this ministry contact our World Missions coordinator at
Our Guest Services ministry exists to create an inviting and hospitable environment for every service by making guests feel welcomed and at home. This team includes Front Door Greeters, Ushers, Security and more.
The purpose of our Women’s Fellowship Ministry is to provide opportunities where women of all ages can come together to connect and grow in their walk with our Lord Jesus Christ.
The mission of our Men's Ministry is to provide men with the resources to develop Godly character and help equip them to influence their world for Jesus Christ. We want to bring men into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to unite men in Bible study, prayer, ministry, fellowship, outreach, and accountability. Our men’s ministry provides a community that fosters mentorship, which is what men need to challenge each other.. Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Contact Pastor Bill for more information, meeting dates & times.
Our purpose is to lead students to Christ, helping them to grow spiritually and develop community while serving others. We are also committed to walking alongside parents in their journey as the chief disciple makers in their home. Our desire is to equip parents with resources and to reinforce what students have learned at home to help them in their walk with Christ.
We are here to partner with parents as you nurture the spiritual formation of your children.
Our Communications ministry uses marketing, social media, web development, graphic design, photography, video production and more to engage people in a growing relationship with Jesus and the mission of Callaway Church of God.