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Children are an important part of the body of Christ...

Children's Ministry

Our purpose in Children’s ministry is to assist families in nurturing the spiritual formation of their children through providing a fun and loving environment where they can learn the Bible; learn about God’s gift of salvation and his vast love for them, learn to apply what they learn to their daily lives, and grow to love the Lord.  


Prayer, scripture memorization, Bible stories, fellowship with other children and caring leaders… fun!  These are the things that kids will experience at Callaway Church of God.  All children are taught at an age-appropriate level, and are encouraged to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. 


Puggles, Cubbies, Sparks & T&T are our Kids Clubs that are held every Sunday morning at 10:00 AM (Sunday School) & 11:30 AM (Children's Church) and every Wednesday evening from 7:00 - 8:15 PM.   


Click on the clubs below to read more about them.

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